Devang Solanki delivers end-to-end global enterprise solutions including package evaluation and selection, implementation, and upgrades to performance-enhancing extensions like supply chain, human resources, and customer relationship management. To manage your enterprise applications, you gain access to our world-class global management processes, round-the-clock customer support services and a globally leveraged skills base. The result is a reliable, repeatable process for planning, transforming and delivering outstanding managed services throughout your extended enterprise.
Devang Solanki’s dedicated Enterprise Solution practices leverage highly skilled resources across industries and applications, can quickly deliver smart and innovative enterprise solutions. Devang Solanki specializes in providing virtual infrastructures including Virtualizing Enterprise Applications.
Corporate Solutions:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Devang Solanki implements various customer-focused strategies with our Custom CRM solutions to manage processes like sales, leads management and channel management to meet the above-said targets. customer-centric solutions help your company drive new growth, maintain competitive agility, and attain operational excellence.
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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Devang Solanki is an ERP software solutions provider for small and mid-market manufacturing and distribution companies. Devang Solanki’s exclusive focus is on the development, sale, implementation, and support for the company’s fully-integrated ERP software system. From superior software functionality and a proven ERP implementation methodology, Devang Solanki delivers software and service offerings that are truly unique in the ERP software industry.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Business Process Management – Towards the Sustainable Enterprise” consolidates the global state-of-the-art knowledge about how business processes can be managed and improved in light of sustainability objectives. Business organizations, a dominant part of our society, have always been a major contributor to the degradation of our natural environment, through the resource consumption, greenhouse emissions, and wastage production associated with their business processes. In order to lessen their impact on the natural environment, Devang Solanki designs and implement environmentally sustainable business processes. Finding solutions to this organizational design problem is the key challenge of Devang Solanki’s Business Process Management.
IT Consultant
It is quite obvious that every person cannot have all types of skills and knowledge. There are many business owners who have a good understanding of the industry in which they work. They know how to develop their business, but do not have any knowledge regarding how to install and manage the IT infrastructure. It is here that the IT services offered by Devang Solanki as an IT Consultant comes to the rescue. Devang Solanki can correctly IT advise the type of hardware and IT software that should be purchased and the types of IT professionals who should be hired by the IT company. With him, you can also help establish long-term IT management goals. These services can be obtained by a new business or an existing business.
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