Turn Facebook Into Profit, Mastering Facebook Ads/Advertisements
Limited Time Offers Only
This course includes
- 1-hour on-demand video
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
- Skill level: All Levels
- Students: 1164+
- Languages: English
- Captions: Yes
- Lectures: 7
- Video: 1 hour
What you’ll learn
- Facebook Tools (Audience Insights, FB Pixel, Retargeting)
- Targeting Your AD’s (Laser Targeting Technique)
- Designing Your AD’s WITHOUT Photoshop
- Writing AD’s That Convert
- Scaling AD Campaigns
- Budgeting ADS
- Types Of ADs (The Purpose Of Each One)
- The Order Of Running Successful Ads
In this facebook marketing course, he will be going over Facebook ads from start to finish. So by the end of course, you will be able to run profitable converting Facebook ads for whatever niche you may be in.
Some fun facts about me:
-605+ Clients Since 2014
-$2.4m+ Spent on Ads
-Over 10,000 AD’s
- PC/Internet Connection
- Patience
- Facebook Account
Who this course is for:
- People Wanting To Become Advertisers
- Entrepreneurs
- Business Owners
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