In 2019, Expect…
Hopefully, more of this to come. “Stepping away from Sass”.
Still, a good idea to keep an eye on and learn about the upcoming additions (and potential additions) to CSS via
The WebP image format from Google could reach support from all modern browsers this year.
Prepack will continue to cook.
GraphQL will continue to gain massive adoption.
The “State of JavaScript” survey authors will add a “State of CSS” survey in 2019.
Keep an eye on Web Animations API.
Someone you know will try and convince you to use TypeScript.
Babel will get some competition from swc-project.
The case for, JAMStack’s will continue.
Chasing the one code base to many platforms will continue.
More developers will turn to languages like ReasonML over JavaScript/TypeScript for large code bases.
More, largely used projects will start to shed jQuery in favor of native DOM solutions.
Web Components! At this point, I have no idea how Web Components will play out. Reality is they are not
going away, and they have not gained a lot of momentum/usage once the hype ended.
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